
Termite Damage Lawyer: Ohio Homeowner’s Insurance Claims

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Can You Get Homeowner’s Insurance to Pay for Pest and Termite Damage?

Termites have been a problem since people started building homes. In fact, they’re as old as the dinosaurs. While that’s impressive, it’s not comforting when you find an infestation in your house.

The National Pest Management Association estimates termites do $5 billion worth of damage to property every year in the United States.

In Ohio, the eastern subterranean termite is the most common species. These pests live underground and dig tunnels through foundations and into wood frames of homes. As long as they have water and wood, they thrive.

Homeowner’s insurance generally won’t cover termite damage. Because infestation doesn’t happen overnight, insurance companies may treat it as gradual damage that could have been prevented.

There are exceptions, however. If your home collapses because of termite damage, you may be covered. You may also be compensated if a water leak attracts termites and the damage from both can be wrapped together.

If you have questions about damage to your home caused by termites and how you can get financial help to recover, talk to the team at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal (HNB).

Our termite damage lawyers in Ohio haven’t been around as long as termites, but for over 40 years we’ve built experience dealing with insurance companies and programs designed to help people through hardships.

If you live in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton or anywhere in Ohio, give us a call so we can have you say, “Helping me, that’s HNB.”

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    How Do I Protect My Home Against Termite Damage?

    It’s hard to detect termite damage with an untrained eye. Worker termites do everything they can to avoid the open air. They construct mud tubes along concrete or stone foundations so that they can reach a home’s wood frame without being exposed to the elements.

    The most visible sign of a termite infestation is a swarm. These usually occur in the spring or early summer, when thousands of termites take flight to mate and create new nests.

    They can often be mistaken for winged ants, so it’s important to have an expert take a look and determine what insect you’re up against.

    While homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover termite damage, you may have other options to protect your home and your wallet.

    When you buy your home, many lenders will require an inspection for termites. This is a helpful starting point to know if you have a problem, but you should be aware that a negative finding doesn’t guarantee you don’t have termites. These bugs are experts at hiding, and even trained professionals can miss them.

    If your concern is great enough, you can contract with a pest control company to do annual inspections. They will examine your home and either spray or set bait traps to prevent termites.

    You can also take some preventative measures yourself.

    • Eliminate any spots around your house where wood has direct contact with the soil. This disrupts termites’ direct access to your wooden frame. 
    • Don’t let water pool near your foundation. Moisture attracts termites. Good gutters and downspouts will divert water away from your home. You should also repair or replace any leaky outside faucets or hoses. 
    • Don’t stack firewood against your home, and don’t place wood chips or mulch around your foundation. This can encourage termites to move in. 

    Homes in Ohio also face threats from other wood-destroying pests: wood-boring beetles, carpenter ants and carpenter bees. Like termites, homeowner’s insurance won’t cover damage directly associated with them.

    It can, however, cover sudden damage where termites were simply a factor.

    If you’re unsure whether the damage you see will qualify for a homeowner’s insurance claim, have a skilled property damage attorney sort through the finer details of your case. We’ll take a first look free of charge.

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    How a Termite Damage Lawyer Can Help in Ohio

    When you’re facing expensive termite damage, an experienced property damage lawyer can make a difference in several ways.

    The first is at the point of sale. If you bought a home only to find out later it had extensive termite damage, you have some options for pursuing compensation from the seller.

    While Ohio law is firmly in the camp of caveat emptor, or “buyer beware,” you may have a case if:

    • There’s evidence that the seller knew about the damage, and it wasn’t detected through the regular inspection or…
    • There’s evidence that the seller tried to conceal the termite damage and didn’t disclose it. 

    Another scenario occurs where homeowner’s insurance may intersect with termite damage.

    The most dramatic examples are the collapse of your house, or termites or other pests damaging wiring and causing a fire.

    Insurance companies, however, may argue that the termite damage is the cause and therefore the damage isn’t covered.

    That doesn’t mean they’re right.

    It’s also possible to pursue your pest control company if you suspect they failed in their contractual duties to protect your home.

    If they don’t treat your home on the agreed-upon schedule, or they tell you they did but didn’t, and you discover a major termite infestation, you can sue them for fraud or breach of contract.

    The experienced property damage attorneys at HNB can walk you through your options. We can study your homeowner’s insurance policy and pest control contract.

    And we can take the next steps, including taking insurance companies or pest control companies to court.

    HNB has won millions in awards, settlements and other financial assistance for our clients across Ohio.

    That’s a proven track record of fighting for homeowners so that you can restore your home, regain your financial footing, and get back to enjoying your life.

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