
Social Security Disability Initial Applications: Getting It Right

Helping Me, That's HNB

HNB Helps File Initial Applications for Disability Benefits. Not All Law Firms Do.

Don’t let a disability law firm tell you to file your initial Social Security Disability (SSD) application on your own, wait to be denied, and then come back to them for help.

This approach puts you at a disadvantage.

If it’s the first time you’ve ever applied for disability benefits, you’re unfamiliar with what’s involved. In addition, your medical conditions might mean you don’t have the energy or ability do all the legwork to collect evidence to support your claim.

Your financial future and stability hang in the balance. Monthly income from disability benefits could change your life for the better when you can’t work because of health problems.

You’re not legally required to have a disability attorney. But why take chances?

An experienced disability attorney can make a difficult process easier for you, and improve your odds of success. And with this type of lawyer, you pay no attorney fee until you win benefits.

The Ohio disability lawyers at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal have helped thousands of hard-working Ohioans win benefits for decades.

We’re the law firm of “Helping Me, That’s HNB.”

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Tell Us About Your Case

    5 Things You’ll Need For Your Initial Application for Social Security Disability

    When applying for disability benefits, you’ll need to fill out lengthy forms and provide medical, personal and employment-related documentation, including:

    1. Diagnoses of impairments that stop you from working
    2. Evidence of the severity and long-lasting nature of your condition
    3. Proof that you’ve been seeking treatment for your condition
    4. Work history showing you’ve worked enough to qualify for benefits (in the case of Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, benefits)
    5. A thorough explanation of the demands of past jobs and why you can’t keep working

    It’s easy to make mistakes in your disability application—and more than two-thirds of people who apply are denied at first— but having an experienced disability attorney from the beginning can help you avoid pitfalls.

    Your disability lawyer will know all the rules, procedural steps, forms and standards, so you don’t have to struggle with this at a time when you’re also dealing with health problems, major life changes and financial strain.

    A lawyer can help with your initial application by:

    • Helping you correctly fill out all the forms required
    • Compiling necessary medical evidence from your doctors
    • Keeping track of all deadlines and making sure you don’t miss any
    • Developing a legal strategy for your claim
    • Taking care of any unexpected issues that arise
    • Lifting a significant burden of stress off your shoulders

    You can get started with the disability legal team at HNB by getting us to look at your situation and provide an initial consultation—FOR FREE.

    Get My Free Case Review! 
    A woman pushes a man in a wheelchair on a bridge. Get an HNB attorney to help you win monthly SSI benefits when you can’t work because of a disablity.

    Who Helps You Restore Peace and Security to Your Life?

    The attorneys at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal are dedicated to helping hard-working Ohioans make it through tough times.

    We understand that when you’re sick or injured and you can’t work, you’re juggling a lot of worries:

    • You need to keep seeing your doctors and continue with your medical treatments and prescriptions.
    • Your bills are past due. It’s getting harder to afford groceries, and your family needs things you want to provide.
    • You have the Social Security Disability initial application form in front of you, but you’re stressed because it’s so long and detailed, and you don’t want to make a mistake.

    Don’t delay on getting help from HNB.

    Our goal is to ease your burden and secure compensation that you can use to start on the next chapter in life.

    Call HNB Now!  Call HNB Now! 
    A man sits in a wheelchair in a park. HNB’s SSI lawyers can help you meet the qualifications for disability benefits.