If you served in the U.S. Air Force or other branches of the military where you worked around aircraft, extensive exposure to jet fuel could’ve left you with lasting damage to your health.
You can get financial compensation for these health problems—and get your medical treatment paid for—through veterans’ disability benefits.
Veterans’ disability benefits are designed to support you when serving your country caused illness or injury. Benefits give you the financial relief you need to live a life of greater stability and peace.
The only problem is that the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) often rejects claims. Or it gives you a disability rating that places the size of your benefit checks too low.
Getting VA benefits for jet fuel exposure involves confirming to them how you were exposed and how it affects you.
The VA benefits lawyers at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal can help you gather medical evidence and show why you need benefits.
We help people across Ohio, and after working with us to get your benefits, we want you to look back and think, “Helping me, that’s HNB.”
Talk to HNB Talk to HNBThe VA acknowledges that some veterans have experienced harmful exposures to jet fuel during military service.
U.S. Air Force and other military aircraft use jet fuels like JP-4, JP-5, JP-7 and JP-8. (JP stands for jet propellant.)
You could’ve had too much direct contact with jet fuel during your service in many ways:
The key to any veterans’ disability claim is showing the VA how your illness was connected to your service.
Veterans’ disability attorneys at HNB Law can help you document when and where your service put you dangerously close to jet fuel.
We can help you get answers to your questions about veterans’ disability benefits.
Your first question may be: Do I have a strong case?
We can help you determine that, too, by offering an initial evaluation of your situation FOR FREE.
Get My Free Case Review
The list of health problems that can result from harmful exposure to jet fuel is stunningly long and varied, including:
With so many illnesses associated with jet fuel exposure, there are multiple paths to getting disability benefits.
But jet fuel exposure disability claims are also complicated. The veterans’ disability lawyers at HNB can gather the facts and medical evidence you need to argue for a disability rating that fairly reflects how your exposure to jet fuel in the military has altered your life.
If you’re still living with painful consequences of your military service, let us help you win compensation to give you a greater foundation for well-being going forward.
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Dayton, OH 45402
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Suite 140-52
Cincinnati, OH 45249
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Willoughby, OH 44094
124 E. Third Street
Fifth Floor
Dayton, OH 45402
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