
Military Sexual Assault Lawyer

Helping Me, That's HNB

Support Your Country Owes You after Military Sexual Trauma

You put your safety on the line when you served our country in the military.

But you shouldn’t have to worry about your safety from sexual assault.

Still, it happens disturbingly often.

Your country owes you support after you’ve suffered a military sexual trauma (MST).

Veterans’ disability benefits can provide the medical treatment and monetary compensation you need to support your recovery—and protect your dignity and independence.

Benefits can also include career services and a hiring preference for federal jobs.

But when you’re still trying to cope with what happened, dealing with the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)—with all its rules, steps, and forms—just creates more anguish.

The military sexual assault attorneys at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal can help you gather the evidence you need and make a successful claim for MST VA disability. Against a system that seems uncaring, we’ll treat you with respect.

We work hard so our Ohio clients can say “Helping me, that’s HNB.”

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    Veterans’ MST PTSD Claims and other Mental Health Cases

    Federal law defines military sexual trauma as psychological suffering from physical attacks of a sexual nature, such as these:

    • Any sexual contact without your consent, including when you were sleeping or intoxicated
    • Unwelcome sexual touching
    • Physically forced sex
    • Unwanted sexual advances or threats

    The VA also recognizes sexual harassment during military service. It defines sexual harassment as “repeated, unsolicited verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature.”

    The VA doesn’t award disability compensation for MST as a condition on its own. Instead, it awards benefits for health conditions that resulted from the trauma you experienced.

    Those conditions can include the following:

    The VA says PTSD is the most common mental health diagnosis after a sexual trauma.

    Whether you have a veterans MST PTSD claim, or you experience other mental health fallout from what happened to you, providing records from your health-care providers are an important part of your disability claim.

    You can get started by getting the military sexual trauma lawyers at HNB Law to evaluate your case FOR FREE.

    Get My Free Case Review 
    A man in military fatigues sits on a couch talking to a counselor. Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal’s military sexual trauma lawyers can show the VA how your mental health was impacted by an attack.

    Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal’s military sexual trauma lawyers can show the VA how your mental health was impacted by an attack.

    How Military Sexual Assault Attorneys Help You Explain Your Trauma

    The VA recognizes that many sexual traumas are not immediately reported to the military or witnessed by others.

    The VA will look for “markers” that the trauma occurred, including official reports and other signs confirming the circumstances of your attack.

    The markers can include one or more of the following:

    • Records from rape crisis centers
    • Records from mental health counseling centers
    • Reports from doctors and hospitals
    • Law enforcement reports
    • Pregnancy tests
    • Tests for sexually transmitted diseases
    • Transfer requests to other military assignments
    • Drops in your work performance
    • Reports of unpredictable behavior
    • Relationship problems, including divorce
    • Statements from people you know:
      • Family
      • Roommates
      • Clergy
      • Counselors
      • Other service members

    You don’t have to be alone when you go through the process of seeking VA disability compensation for MST. And if you had your MST claim denied, you don’t have to give up.

    You can get a military sexual assault lawyer from our firm to support you and your claim, including gathering the evidence you need about the incident you suffered.

    We’ll treat you with the respect you deserve.

    You protected America. We protect you.

    Call HNB Now!  Call HNB Now! 
    A woman in fatigues sits on a couch gesturing emphatically to a counselor. Military sexual assault attorneys from Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal know how to document your MST so the VA approves financial support.

    Military sexual assault attorneys from Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal know how to document your MST so the VA approves financial support.