
PTSD Veterans’ Disability Compensation

Helping Me, That's HNB

Legal Help for Veterans with PTSD

When you served your country in the armed forces, you may have faced some disturbing situations.

Stress is a normal reaction. But if the stress and reliving what you went through doesn’t fade—if it disrupts your life—you may be experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

You need treatment.

Combat is the kind of event that can cause PTSD. So can a sexual assault or a disaster scene.

Veterans’ disability benefits can cover your treatment for PTSD, anxiety, depression, your overall health-care coverage and the monetary compensation you need to rebuild your life.

If you struggle with PTSD after military service, or you have a military veteran spouse who does, your country owes you and your family these benefits.

But too often, the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) issues a disability rating that falls short of providing the level of benefits you deserve—or it denies your claim altogether.

The PTSD lawyers at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal can help you gather the evidence you need to appeal for a higher disability rating with PTSD or overcome a denied claim and receive the PTSD veterans’ disability compensation that’s fair.

If your rating is 100 percent, you could qualify for more than $3,000 a month in disability payments. Don’t let uncaring attitudes some people have about mental health problems cause you to hesitate from seeking the help you deserve.

We work hard so our Ohio clients will say “Helping me, that’s HNB.”

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    What You Must Show to Qualify for Benefits with PTSD

    To make a successful claim, you’ll need medical records showing that you’re experiencing symptoms of PTSD, such as flashbacks of the shocking event, nightmares, sleep problems, mood swings, erratic behavior, being easily startled, and memory problems, among other symptoms.

    The VA also says you’ll need to show these things:

    • The event that caused your PTSD happened while you were serving
    • A PTSD diagnosis from a doctor
    • Medical evidence linking your diagnosis to your in-service stress

    To the VA, qualifying traumatic events include witnessing the trauma; suffering serious injuries; sexual violations and traumas; and the threats of sexual assault, injury, or death.

    The VA used to require you to document details of the traumatic event that caused your PTSD.

    But the government has since eased the rules. Now you only must demonstrate that you were in a situation where a trauma like the one that burdens you could have happened.

    You’ll need military and medical records to back up your claim.

    HNB Law provides legal help for veterans with PTSD. Start by getting our veterans disability lawyers to evaluate your case FOR FREE.

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    A man in military fatigues sits at a coffee table talking to a counselor. Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal’s

    Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal’s PTSD veterans’ disability compensation lawyers collect the evidence you need to secure veterans’ disability benefits.

    How HNB Helps Veterans with Disabilities

    If you’re not getting what you should from the VA, these are some of the steps HNB takes to fix it:

    • Advising you on getting medical treatment you need
    • Finding doctors who understand how to fill out the VA’s Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ)
    • Ordering a medical review of your case file
    • Appealing for a higher disability rating from the VA
    • Appealing denied claims

    We can take your appeal to the highest level needed:

    • Your VA Regional Office (RO)
    • The Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA)
    • US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) 

    Contact Us Today!

    Social Security Disability for Veterans with PTSD

    If you’re unable to work because of your physical or mental health impairments, you also could qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.

    You may wonder, “Do veterans with PTSD get Social Security Disability?”

    The answer is they can.

    Even on top of veterans’ disability benefits, it’s possible to get Social Security Disability for veterans with PTSD.

    The two agencies—the Social Security Administration and Veterans Affairs—don’t have to follow each other’s decisions, but they do consider what the other one said.

    SSD can be extremely complicated to navigate. It’s easy to get denied Social Security Disability for PTSD.

    But you can use your high rating from the VA to help you get SSD for PTSD.

    The PTSD lawyers at HNB know how to help you with both kinds of benefits.

    Whether you served in Vietnam, the Gulf Wars, or any other part of the world, give us a call if PTSD is affecting your life.

    Our way of thanking you for your service is maximizing every form of financial support available to you.

    Call HNB Now!  Call HNB Now! 
    A man in military fatigues looks down at a table while meeting with a doctor. Get Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal’s PTSD lawyers to deal with the VA disability benefits system, so you can focus on managing your PTSD.

    Get Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal’s PTSD lawyers to deal with the VA disability benefits system, so you can focus on managing your PTSD.