
Defective Tire Accident Personal Injury Claims in Ohio

Helping Me, That's HNB

Get Financial Relief When a Defective Tire Leads to Injury

It’s a shock when your tires fail and you get hurt. But it happens too much.

A blowout or sudden flat can cause you to lose control of your vehicle, or even lead your car to roll over. Defective tires put you and other drivers in danger.

An Ohio traffic safety bulletin in 2023 found that tire blowouts were one of the top causes of crashes from vehicle defects, accounting for 19% percent of those wrecks. And when somebody died in an accident involving car defects, 31% of the time it was from tire blowouts.

The manufacturer, the vendor who sold the tires, or the installer who put them on your car could be found responsible for a tire’s failure.

You may have a claim for financial relief when a defective tire leads to serious injury. That money can be essential to helping you cover medical bills and living expenses while you recover—as well as compensating for lasting effects of the accident.

Suing over a faulty product, however, is not easy. Companies have teams of lawyers to defend them, and they lobby governments hard to enact laws that favor them.

It takes an experienced personal injury lawyer to build an effective case against big tire or automotive companies.

If you live in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton or anywhere in Ohio, the car accident lawyers at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal (HNB) can help you get what you need to hold negligent companies accountable and get back on your feet.

Don’t let them off the hook. HNB car wreck lawyers have spent more than 40 years helping injured Ohioans every day.

We’ve secured more than $500,000,000.00 in awards, benefits and settlements for injury claims.

That’s why people say, “Helping me. that’s HNB.”

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    Common Reasons for Tire Defect Injury Claims

    The tires on your car are as important as the engine, seat belts and steering wheel. They must be well designed, well made, and correctly installed, with your safety in mind at every step.

    Some common tire defects that lead to accidents include:

    Tread separation: The rubber grooves separate from the tire’s body or metal belts within the tire, leading the tire to fail and sending your car out of control.

    Uneven wear: The tire wears down on the outer edges or in the center, rather than evenly like normal. This can be the result of faulty materials or negligent installation. Uneven wear weakens a tire’s integrity, leading to a blowout.

    Premature wear: Tires can wear down before the end of their estimated lifespan because of faulty manufacturing, design, or installation.

    Leaks: A poorly built tire can lead to low air pressure or even deflations while you’re driving, making you lose control and crash.

    When a tire company or other automotive service neglects its responsibility, they put you in danger.

    When you’re hurt, you need an experienced lawyer to fight for you, someone who knows tire defect injury claims—not only for your financial relief, but to force the company to make sure its failures don’t hurt anyone else.

    Proving that negligence in a tire’s manufacturing, design or installation led to a wreck can be tricky. A lot of evidence must be gathered to draw a direct line from the tire to your injuries.

    At HNB, our defective tire and blowout accident lawyers work with certified experts who can unravel the source of responsibility for an accident caused by defective tires.

    If you suspect unusual problems with your tires led to your injury, our lawyers can evaluate your case free of charge and see what you can do next.

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    Proving a Defective Tire Accident Claim

    Ohio has become notorious for accidents caused by vehicle defects, according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol. Over a recent five-year period, there were over 10,000 such wrecks in the state.

    When your injury is caused by problems with your tires, know that you have options. You can pursue an insurance company for personal injury, and you can make a product liability claim focused on the tires themselves.

    Proving product liability takes some serious detective work. You must directly link the tire’s defect to the cause of the accident, and therefore your injuries.

    You also have to understand how a company can be held liable, whether it’s through the laws around negligence, strict liability, or breaking any warranty or legal guarantee.

    At HNB, we navigate the complicated details of your case.

    We’ve taken on insurance companies, tire manufacturers, sellers and installers when defective tires led to injuries. We’ve helped thousands of Ohioans get the compensation they deserve.

    Let’s get you the economic resources you need to move beyond this to the next chapter.

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