Compensation When You’re Fired because of Your Gender

Getting terminated from your job leaves you stunned. If you think it was because of your gender, that’s even more unsettling.

Your employer probably took steps to make it look like your dismissal wasn’t gender-related. But we all know gender discrimination happens all the time.

You may feel powerless. But you’re not.

Under Ohio and federal law, dismissing you because of your gender is wrongful termination.

You can stand up for your rights and win reinstatement to your job or a monetary settlement to correct this injustice and move on with your life.

The Ohio wrongful termination gender discrimination lawyers at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal can make sure you get the full protection of the law. We represent individual, hard-working people, not employers.

Our law firm’s purpose is living up to the words “Helping me, that’s HNB.”

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    Signs You’re Facing Wrongful Termination Due to Gender Discrimination

    Women and men can both be discriminated against because of their gender, although cases involving women are more common.

    To determine whether you’ve been the victim of a wrongful termination based on gender discrimination, watch out for signs of discrimination like these:

    • Your employer regarded some roles as inappropriate for women.
    • Your employer assigned you, but not men, tasks they saw as “female” duties.
    • Your employer treated you differently because you’re pregnant.
    • You’re the mother of young children and your employer made decisions about your job assignments based on negative attitudes about working mothers.
    • Your employer promoted a less-qualified man over you.
    • You felt left out of important meetings or career opportunities that only included men.
    • You found out you were being paid less than men in the same job.
    • Your performance reviews suddenly suffered under a new supervisor with more traditionally masculine attitudes.
    • You were replaced by a man after you were fired.

    They also can’t legally fire you because you’re pregnant. Or because you complained about sexual harassment or stood up to a boss or customer and said they can’t treat you that way.

    The key to proving your gender discrimination wrongful termination claim is showing that your firing was, in fact, because of your gender.

    This is when you need an experienced employment law attorney. The attorneys at HNB know what evidence to gather so your claim has the best chance for success.

    At a trying time in your life, we’ll make sure you’re treated with dignity and respect.

    You can start by getting HNB to evaluate your case.

    Contact us Today! 
    A woman and a man look at papers on an office table. The Ohio wrongful termination gender discrimination lawyers at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal can identify when your job loss was unjust.

    The Ohio gender discrimination lawyers at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal can identify when your job loss was unjust.

    Steps to a Gender Discrimination Wrongful Termination Claim

    If you have a strong feeling that the reason you were terminated from your job was your gender, you can take these steps to set the situation right

    1. Negotiate a settlement: An attorney can often negotiate with your employer for reinstatement to your job, monetary payment, lost wages, or other compensation or agreements that can be better than what you would get without a lawyer.
    2. File a complaint with regulatory agencies like the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)  and the Ohio Civil Rights Commission.
    3. File a lawsuit in state or federal court.

    Don’t hesitate to do what it takes to protect your rights in the workforce.

    At every step, an experienced workplace discrimination lawyer from HNB can help you get the best result so you can move beyond a traumatic job loss.

    Even if you haven’t lost your job, if you feel your supervisors are treating you differently because you’re a woman, you could have a legal claim for discrimination based on gender.

    You deserve better.

    Call HNB Now! 
    A woman sits at a laptop at a desk. The Ohio wrongful termination gender discrimination lawyers at Horenstein, Nicholson & Blumenthal can guide you through your legal claim.